MILONGAS 22 & 23 APRIL 2016


EscondeBoth milongas will be held att Esconde Dance studio
Anders Personsgatan 18

Closest tram/bus stop: Vagnhallen Gårda

FYI!!! If you are a Facebook user, please make sure that you click ”Going” on the event if you are coming! If you only plan to attend at the milongas and don’t have FB, please send us a message to





Friday 22 April 21.30-02.001404867_416832471777264_2008017293_o

Milonga with DJ Milos (Malmö)

Show with Cecilia & Daniel
Entrance Fee: 80sek (menbers 60 sek)







1208780_10152019130506437_1165535359755261919_nSaturday 23 April 21.30-03.00

Milonga with DJ Ina (Oslo)

Show with M&M
Entrance Fee: 120 sek (members 100 sek)




Saturday night, SHOW with M&M!