Maldito Tango Tisdagspraktika – Special Edition!

Dear fellow dancers,

It’s time for one more special edition of Maldito Tangos tisdagspraktika.

During the first hour, a workshop will be held by Elodie & Love from World Dance Company.

Workshop theme: to be announced!

¤ 19:00 – 20:00 Workshop
¤ 20:00 – 22:00 Regular practica

Bring your shoes, bring your friends (or come solo) and spread the word – the rest will be taken care of!

Please come in time if you’d like to attend the workshop. In order to not disturb teacher and course participants, we’d like to keep the entrance to the dance floor closed between 19:15 and 20:00

Entrance Workshop & Praktika: 100 SEK
Special: 80 SEK for Maldito members & Tango beginners

Just Praktika: 60 SEK/50 SEK(members/beginners)

Location: TR-huset, Storgatan 3, Göteborg

Practicahosts: Mirian & Patrik

Best regards,
Maldito Tango

Location: TR-huset, Storgatan 3, Göteborg





Date(s) - 12/12/2017
19:00 - 22:00



Karta Otillgänglig

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