Tangohelg 25-27 April 2014

Välkommen till Malditos Vårevent!

Vi är glada att presentera Katalin Czidor and Tihamar Bogdan (Ungern) som lärare på vårt nästa event. Under helgen 25-27 april kommer Kati & Tiha att hålla 10,5 h 70-480 workshops.


En singel workshop (1,5h): 300kr
4 workshops paket 1 (6h): 850sek (750sek medlem)
6 work paket2 (9h): 1250sek 70-410 (1150sek medlem)
Paket2 + Tangoteknik (10.5h): 1400sek (1300sek medlem)



NIVÅ 1 och uppåt
Open level – beginners-advanced

NIVÅ 2 och uppåt
Du kan dina grunder, du har god hållning ”walking technique”. Du vet vad som menas med och kan tillämpa parallell system i din tango. Giros och ochos ingår som en naturlig del i dina dansrepertoar. Det är en fördel om du har ett par terminer tango bakom dig! Du dansar socialt mer och mer.

NIVÅ 3 och uppåt
Du kan leda/följa sacadas, boleos och enrosque med självförtroende och lätthet. Du variera dina abrazo och kan växla mellan sluten och öppen fattning. Du kan improvisera din dans i olika kombinationer och din associering är god.


Tangoteknik för alla (öppen nivå)

ws1) The ”one axis situation”; bekvämma och användbara volcadas i sluten fattning.
ws2) Dynamik och elasticitet i rörelserna *omväxlande fattning
ws3) Vals – flyt och cirkulära rörelser *omväxlande fattning


ws4) Linjära och cirkulärar rörelser i olika kombinationer. (Caminada, giro, sacada + musikalitet)*sluten fattning
ws5) Milonga traspie (med pauser) *Sluten fattning
ws6)  Enrosques i olika kombinationer.



Friday 25/4
18.00-19.30 Katis & Tiha’s Technique (open level)
19.45-21.15 WS1 The ”one axis situation”; nice and usable volcadas.*Close embrace (level 2 and up)

Saturday 26/4
13-14.30 WS4 Combinations with linear and circular elements. (Caminada, giro, sacada + music!)*Close embrace (level 3 and up)
15.15-16.45 WS2 Elasticity and dynamic in the movements *Embrace in change (level 2 and up)
17-18.30 WS3 Vals with fluent and circular movements *Embrace in change (level 2 and up)
20-21 Intro for beginners with Alejandro & Charlotta from Göteborgs Tangokollektiv
21-02 Milonga with DJ Alejandro – El Pibe Muños

Sunday 27/4
13-14.30 WS5 Milonga traspie (with pauses) *Close embrace (level 3 and up)
15.15-16.45 WS6 Enrosques in combinations. How to use the axes and the centre of your body as a frame of stability and balance. *Embrace in change. (level 3 and up)


Alla workshops  på Kulturstationen, Karl Johansgatan 146 (vid Vagnhallarna Majorna)

Milonga: Chalmers kårhus Vån 1 , Scaniasalen, teknologgården 2, http://goo.gl/4bQbEf




Kati has been teaching tango for 10 years. Before that she danced flamenco and has a background in martial arts. As a dancer she believes the couple is the most important thing. Her aim is to make her partner happy – in every single dance. Her aim has been to be able to dance with any leader in any style. The base of her technique is natural movement and comfort, while the technique is just a tool for expressing different feelings. This is why during her technique classes, she focuses on the use of the base leg, the way to relax certain muscles, the different types of dissociation, how to use or not use the arms, how to use the music, adornments as well as the secrets of high heel shoes, posture and of course the walk. She believes in the importance of personal feedback and she truly believes in practice, practice, practice!

Tiha likes the complexity of tango, with action on so many levels of existence, from the physical and intellectual to the emotional levels, all happening at once to the ultimate dance music… you really have to be present if you want to dance good, which is not so easy because of the complexity. As a teacher he likes to help his students to find a easy, organic way to move, as well as finding something personal and unique though interpreting the music and filling the dance with emotions.



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