I väntan på vårt stora vårevent bjuder vi in till en söndagskurs med Flavia Cristaldo
Flavia kommer att ge tre workshops för olika nivåer.
WS1 (Öppen nivå) kommunikation och grundläggande tekniker
WS2 (Öppen nivå) Parteknik – föra, följa, mötas:
Kommunikation, sluten och öppen fattning, ”exes”, ”marcación”, flexibilitet.
WS3 (Medel-avancerad) Sekvenser med barridas, giros och boleos.
WS1 12.00-13.30
WS2 13.45-15.15
WS3 15.30-17.00
Montessoriskolan Casa
”Hi! I´m Flavia Crisaldo. I was born in ”La Boca”, a city district in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I´ve been part of Tango Argentino for more than nineteen years, where I was trained by Gustavo Naveira, Chicho Frimboli, Lucía Mazer, Pablo and Dana, Guillermina Quiroga, Rodolfo Dinzel and a lot more of other masters. I danced with great orchestras, such as El Sexteto Mayor, El Arranque, Color Tango, all in well known theaters in Buenos Aires city. I´ve also taught in ”milongas” such as Grisel, Torcuato, Tasso, La Nacional y Salón Canning. At the age of six I started learning ballet. Later I went on with ”flamenco” and modern and contemporary dancing. At the international scene I´ve presented many shows, performed by amteur and professional dancers. They took place in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Prague, Italy, Germany, France and Czech.
A reflection
Our bodies move in rhythmic spirals, powerful and free. Come and join me now, for we bring peace in the beauty of the dance, Divine and Free.
Flavia; Starnberg, Germany 2013″