8 hours with Andrés 20-21 July 2019

Dear tangueros and tangueras,
We are happy to announce that the one and only Andrés Molina is coming back to Gothenburg 20-21 July 2019.

This time he will come solo to share his knowledge with us during 8 hours of tango classes. Be prepared to work hard!!

The 8 hours will be divided into 3 parts/mini seminars.

Sat 20 July
11-13 Part1: Milonga Sem (2hours milonga traspié)
13-14 Fika/Lunch
14-16 Part2: Musicality Sem (2hours musicality)

Sun 21 July
11-16Part 3: Master the close embrace (4hours Abrazo cerrado)
Lunch break 13-14

2 hours 350 SEK (One seminar)
4 hours 550 SEK
8hours 950 SEK



Love and kisses
Maldito Tango

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